Assist you in being different

Optimal Goal is a strategy firm focused on equipping organizations to negotiate the challenges of a changing world.

Our Approach


Accurate diagnosis, powered by stakeholder research


An actionable path forward, tested and de-risked


Invested in your people, progress toward a better world

More On Our Processes

The Result

  • Initiatives that last in a changing organization
  • More dynamic managers equipped to build a coalition
  • Less wasted work solving an ambiguous challenge
  • Leading your industry with influential innovation
  • Leaders ready to challenge the status quo

“The process Optimal Goal brought to this work was critical — I don’t think we would get anywhere nearly as far, as fast without them.”


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‘Big Feelings’ Overcoming a Standstill at Aletheia

The hard work of Aletheia's boots on the ground to understand stakeholders and break through an impasse.
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